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In situ formed aldehyde-modified hyaluronic acid hydrogel with polyelectrolyte complexes of aldehyde-modified chondroitin sulfate and gelatin: An approach for minocycline delivery

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Citace článku v časopise:
HABIBAH, Tutut Ummul, Jana MATONOHOVÁ, Jaromír KULHÁNEK, Una FITZGERALD, Marek INGR, Martin PRAVDA, Abhay PANDIT a Vladimír VELEBNÝ. In situ formed aldehyde-modified hyaluronic acid hydrogel with polyelectrolyte complexes of aldehyde-modified chondroitin sulfate and gelatin: An approach for minocycline delivery. Carbohydrate Polymers [online]. 2024, vol. 343 [cit. 2024-12-12]. ISSN 0144-8617. Dostupné z: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0144861724006817.

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