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Characterization of ageing effect on the intrinsic strength of NR, BR and NR/BR blends

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ČSN ISO 690:2011 citation

Citace článku v konferenčním sborníku:
STOČEK, Radek, Will V. MARS, Ondřej KRATINA, Aleš MACHŮ, Michal DROBILÍK, Ondřej KOTULA a Aneta CMAROVÁ. Characterization of ageing effect on the intrinsic strength of NR, BR and NR/BR blends. In: Constitutive Models for Rubber X - Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR X 2017 [online]. Munich: CRC Press/Balkema, 2017, s. 371-374. [cit. 2024-12-12]. Dostupné z: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781351840408/chapters/10.1201%2F9781315223278-59.

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