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Preparation and some properties of polyethylene/vermiculite nanocomposites

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ČSN ISO 690:2011 citation

Citace článku v konferenčním sborníku:
HUNDÁKOVÁ, Marianna, Marta VALÁŠKOVÁ, Erich PAZDZIORA, Petr SLOBODIAN a Dušan KIMMER. Preparation and some properties of polyethylene/vermiculite nanocomposites. In: NANOCON 2012 [online]. Brno: TANGER Ltd., 2012, s. 86-91. [cit. 2024-12-12]. Dostupné z: http://nanocon2012.tanger.cz/en/view-list-of-papers/938-preparation-and-some-properties-of-polyethylene-vermiculite-nanocomposites/.

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