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Significance of resection margin as a risk factor for local control of early stage breast cancer

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Citace článku v časopise:
GATĚK, Jiří, David VRÁNA, Lucie LUKEŠOVÁ, Markéta POSPÍŠKOVÁ, Petr VÁŽAN a Bohuslav MELICHAR. Significance of resection margin as a risk factor for local control of early stage breast cancer. Biomedical Papers [online]. 2013, vol. 157, iss. 3, s. 209-213. [cit. 2025-03-04]. ISSN 1213-8118. Dostupné z: http://biomed.papers.upol.cz/artkey/bio-201303-0001_Significance_of_resection_margin_as_a_risk_factor_for_local_control_of_early_stage_breast_cancer.php#.Upc38-QaLwM.

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