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Impacts of the global economic crisis on automotive industry in a perspective of Hella Autotechnik s.r.o.

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dc.title Impacts of the global economic crisis on automotive industry in a perspective of Hella Autotechnik s.r.o. en Sedláček, Marek
dc.relation.ispartof Aktuálne pohľady na konkurencieschopnosť a podnikanie - nové výzvy
dc.identifier.isbn 978-80-225-3200-6 2011
dc.citation.spage 437
dc.citation.epage 442
dc.event.title International Conference on Business and Competitiveness of Companies
dc.event.location Bratislava
utb.event.state-en Slovakia
utb.event.state-cs Slovensko
dc.event.sdate 2011-05-19
dc.event.edate 2011-05-19
dc.type conferenceObject
dc.language.iso sk
dc.publisher Vyďavatelstvo Ekonóm
dc.subject Competitive advantage en
dc.subject finance en
dc.subject global crisis en
dc.subject recession en
dc.subject efficiency en
dc.subject risk en
dc.subject management en
dc.subject reflexion en
dc.subject performance en
dc.subject firm en
dc.subject strategy en
dc.subject symmetry en
dc.subject polarity en
dc.subject decision making en
dc.subject planning en
dc.description.abstract Really first global crisis will influence the opinion not only on history, the present but also on the future of the world economics. When finished, theoretical and practical view on functioning of individual parts and the whole system will be devoted to finding classical and innovative approach. Owing to the crisis general standards, principles and scales of company functioning will be actualized in todays globalized economics. Contemporary experience will be necessary to be used for the preparations for future crises. The phenomenom of the first global crisis injects many question marks into firm practises and ways of leading. Abilities of leading in these present and future periods mean both to be prepared and react to some crisis challenges and some changes in approach to the managing as well as a process of finding, keeping and imroving some competitive adventage in business. In its first parts the article introduces and describes various possibilities of firm crises as well as the autor tries to describe the first global finanacial crisis in the post war period with its influence on competition, free market, state policy etc. In its second part the article introduces one of the best company in the Czech republic which is called Hella Autotechnik s.r.o. and describes how the company Hella solved the problems during the crisis period and where Hella Autotechnik found one of its main competitive advantage in this period of time. en
utb.faculty Faculty of Management and Economics
utb.identifier.obdid 43867758
utb.identifier.wok 000350463600078
utb.source d-wok 2015-05-22T08:01:58Z 2015-05-22T08:01:58Z
utb.contributor.internalauthor Sedláček, Marek
utb.fulltext.affiliation Marek Sedláček Ing. Marek Sedláček Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně Fakulta managementu a ekonomiky Ústav managementu Mostní 5139 760 01 Zlín Česká republika e-mail: [email protected]
utb.fulltext.dates -
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